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It turns out that betel leaves have many benefits

You know, it turns out that betel leaf is also very useful for pets. There are so many benefits of this betel leaf for animals.

Want to know what are the benefits? Yuk Look at the Points below.

1. Betel Leaves Can Treat Wounds

The first is betel leaf able to treat wounds in animals. If you have a pet cat or dog, this is an animal that has a self-defending character. Now for example in cats, these cats usually have territory or territory, so when there are other cats that are not from their group this cat will protect their territory with each other fight with other cats.

This sometimes causes the animal to be injured, for help you can use finely crushed betel leaf and apply it to the injured body part of the animal, then the content contained in betel leaves will accelerate the growth of new cells and kill bacteria that are in the injured animal area our pets.

2. Betel Leaves Contain Antiseptics to Eliminate Odor

Healthy animals will definitely move agile and energetic, not infrequently animals will love to roll their bodies in the sand or at the base of the cage, which can cause various types of germs and dirt to be affected and eventually make animals smell. For this reason, try bathing the animals using betel leaves, because the properties of betel leaves that contain antiseptics are able to kill germs that cause odor. You do this by boiling the betel leaves first until boiling, wait until it's cold, about the same warmth as the warm nails. then flush your pet's body gently evenly. If you have already, you can dry it with a towel and dry it under the sun's heat. Try to do a pet bath by using betel leaves on a regular basis, such as a week 2 or 3 times. So our pets can avoid unpleasant smells.

3. Eradicating Fungi on Animal Skin

Now the third one turns out that betel leaf is also able to eradicate fungi in animals. If you have reptile animals such as snakes, iguanas, monitor lizards, breaded dragon or other reptiles, you will be very prone to fungus, this is because of the humid environment and lack of light intensity in the cage and the poor hygiene of reptile cages. But if the fungus attacks your pet, you should first try cleaning your pet cage, then you can use betel leaves that have been boiled and chilled then bathe your pet in the betel boiled water. Rutinkan in bathing your pet using this betel leaf decoction water. Then the mushrooms will disappear.

4. Beautify Skin Color

Connecting the benefits of removing mushrooms, it turns out that betel leaf is also able to beautify the skin color in animals, if you have reptiles such as snakes, or iguanas, try to do it regularly in bathing your pet, because with betel leaves that have been boiled and used to bathe can add bright colors to reptiles, and also soften scales on snakes. Of course with patience ...

5. Eliminating Lice on Animal Bodies

In addition to removing fungi and beautifying, betel leaves are also able to eliminate fleas on the body of the animal. If you have animals with fur or thick hair, such as birds, cats or even dogs and other types of birds, these animals will not be far away from the problem of fleas. For example, birds, pets, this one is very often affected by curse, if left alone this will cause fatal hair loss, and eventually cause injury to the body of the bird and cause infections that cause many bacteria.

not only in birds, pets such as cats are also very often affected by this curse disease. If that happens immediately clean the cage, spray using ordinary water. Then boil the betel leaves to boiling, then wait for it to cool, if your animal is a bird you can spray it. but if your cat can do bathing in a gentle way, of course.

6. Treat Eye Infections

Not only in humans, betel leaf can also treat eye infections in animals. Extraactivity of animals sometimes makes us unaware of infections in the eyes of pets. If the eye infection that is experienced by animals is not really severe, you can use betel leaves which are boiled and squeezed to take the water, then the water is dropped into the eyes of the animal. But if it's still not able to treat eye disease, you can take your favorite animal to the vet.

That is the benefit of betel leaf which is so useful, besides being useful for eye health in humans, strengthening teeth, it turns out that betel leaf is also very beneficial for pets. Amazing isn't it? Hopefully this article is useful for your pets.
