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The Role Of Women In Preaching

From Abu Musa, peace be upon him radhiyallahu 'anhu, he said, "It is not us, the companions of the Prophet shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam found the problem in the one hadith that we said to yah Aisha radhiyallahu ha anha, we got from friends who saw that."

Da'wah is often interpreted as leaving the house or safar. Standing on the pulpit, speaking in public. It has not been called a special da'wah to live in the house and rarely come out, especially women. And the assumption that women do not leave the house and do not speak in public will not be able to take part in da'wah. 

This is precisely the substance and purpose of da'wah that is often overlooked when it is the most important. It is God's nature to make women different from men, while they have the same position that is as a servant of Allah ta'ala. With that God gives specialization to women with a number of commands and prohibitions in the Shari'ah that are different from men, meaning that the Shari'ah so that they stay at home.

While Khadija radhiyallahu ‘anha, a merchant in the house who was an important figure in the preaching of the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wasallam. See also Aisha radhiyallahu ‘anha, an exemplary figure for women who want to plunge into the da'wah arena, without reducing the personality and character of women who fit Fitrah and syar'i are living in the house, and without using on the pulpit. But the knowledge that was in him flowed to the friends and tabi'in. The Companions ask permission from behind the hijab, asking this to be ruled by Allah in His words: "If you ask for something, then ask from the back of the veil. Such a way is more sacred to your heart and their heart. "(Surah Al Ahzab: 53). 

The verse above is not specifically directed at the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam, but is common to all women. Because the wife of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wasallam who became ummahatul mu'minin was forbidden to ask or ask for a veil or hijab.

Then what about them? of course the slander that is caused will be greater right?

From Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri radhiyallahu 'anhu said, the Prophet sallallaahu' Alaihi Wa Sallam said, which means "Surely the sweet and green world, and Allah makes you caliphs in it, then Allah sees what you do, fear in the world and fear in women's matters, because the first slander of the Children of Israel is a woman's case.

In the Hadith the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam preached about the condition of the world that fascinated those who looked at it and felt it. After that, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam preached that God made the world a cause for servitude for the servants, and then he ordered to take a cause that could guard itself from slander and not fall in it. While the person who makes the world the highest intention and purpose of his knowledge, he will not be given but only what has been written for him, and the place of return is nothing but misery. All the pleasures of this world are only slander and the greatest test and slander are women, their slander is so great.

Falling in slander is very dangerous and the madlarat is very large. There have been a lot of results from a woman who survived and was captivated by her lust and plagued by her sins. Such should be the best Da'iyah woman figure, as the fruit of the knowledge that is in her. Because da'wah is worship, while the main capital in da'wah is the science of syar'i.

A woman who is more knowledgeable will increasingly settle in her house. And not including da'wah capital with just being able and courageous to speak in public, but not supported by syar'i science. Remember once again that a woman is the biggest slander.

There is no need to emerge out of his house with the name of a woman's emancipation in preaching. All of that did not exist in the Salaf period. Indeed, all goodness is by following the Salaf, and all evil is in sharing things and understanding held by the Khalaf (later).

Wallahu A'lam.
